Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I Am Loving Wednesday! 10.5.11

I am linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for her 'What I'm Loving Wednesday'. I linked up with Jamie a while back and thought maybe I should get back into it. So here is what I am loving right now.

I am loving the fact that our weather is cooling down a bit. I am not a big fan of hot weather. With this, I am loving that I can start wearing my warmer clothes (sweaters, boots, etc).

I am loving pulling out my "fall/winter" recipes. I have made chili twice in the past couple of weeks and plan on making some other fall/winter favorites.

I am loving that I am going to be getting a CD of my wedding pictures so I can start using them for gifts and some art projects.

I am loving watching YouTube videos (makeup inspirations, comedy, musicians, etc). 

I am loving that I signed up for Birchbox. I can't wait to get my first one in November.

And of course, I am loving my wonderful husband, family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. All the fall recipes are coming out at my house too! I love this weather it makes me want to eat soups and stews every night!
    I also really love the What I'm Loving Wednesday's. I may have to link up with you and the other blog so I have something to write about on Wednesday lol
    Happy blogging!
