Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meal Plan (Tuesday)

First of all I apologize for skipping last week. As I said in my last meal plan post we went camping. Our trip was great but came home early (due to rain) and things got very hectic. I only ate one meal at home last week due to a sales conference at work (team dinners out). I think I am back on track and I am hoping to work on a few recipe posts this week and maybe a recap of our camping trip. Also look for a wedding picture post soon.

This week I am just going to post dinners again because breakfast seems to be very similar everyday and lunches for me are usually leftovers. 

Meal Plan 9.3 - 9.9

Dinner: Potstickers (These are a great quick dinner for us.)

Dinner: Beer Chili (This will be a recipe post very soon, so stay tuned for this one, it is great.)

Dinner: Chinese Chicken Salad (Kit from Costco)

Dinner: Marinated Tri-Tip w/ Mock Risotto (I might do a recipe post for this rice too, I make it a lot.)

Dinner: Homemade Pizza (We haven't decided on the toppings yet, but maybe BBQ Chicken.)

Dinner: Out

Dinner: Crock Pot Salsa Chicken w/ Rice

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