Monday, October 31, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

It's Monday again, which means it is time for meal plans. Last week's plan was pretty much spot on. As I mentioned I tried some new recipes and they were pretty good. The stir fry I made was really good but there was way too much sauce. Last night I tried a new meatloaf recipe and it was also really good. Instead of going out for dinner on Saturday night we decided to roast a turkey breast, make some gravy, and also roast some carrots. It was fantastic. 

This week's menu is not particularly exciting, but we are trying to get back on track with eating healthier. All but one of our meals this week are pretty healthy. We have decided to try to plan at least one meal during the week to be meatless. We tend to eat a lot of meat so we wanted to try some new recipes without it.

Meal Plan 10.31 - 11.6

Dinner: Potstickers

Dinner: Grilled Marinated Chicken w/ Potatoes

Dinner: Weeknight Bolognese

Dinner: Salad w/ Balsamic Dressing

Dinner: Baked Mac and Cheese

Dinner: Out

Dinner: Baked Buffalo Chicken Bites and Vegetables (C is leaving for a week long business trip on Saturday night, so Sunday I am on my own as well as all of next week.)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two Minute Tuesday

It is Tuesday and I am back to do another Two Minute Tuesday prompt. For those of you who didn't read last week's post what I do is, choose a theme/topic, set my timer for two minutes, and write down whatever comes to mind before the timer goes off. After posting last week's I had so many ideas for topics and wouldn't stop thinking about it. This week I am keeping with a childhood theme. 

Prompt: Favorite Childhood Food

My favorite food by far was mac and cheese. Sometimes my mom would ask me what I wanted for a "special" meal and I always anaswered with her homemade mac and cheese. It wasn't anything fancy but it was yummy. She would put sauteed onions and velveeta in it. Occasionally, she would add ground beef to it and it tasted like a gooey cheeseburger. Oh my gosh, it was so good! This is definitely a meal that reminds me of home.

It was a little easier this week, but the time still goes by so quickly. I am trying something new this week and making this a link up post. Take just two minutes out of your day and write about your favorite childhood food. I would love to read what you can come up with in just two minutes. (Submit your link below)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

Happy Monday everyone. I'm sure you have all noticed my blog got a bit of an update. I am hoping that with this revamp I am more motivated to post. (I know I keep saying this, but I am really trying to get this thing going.)

Last week's meal plan went pretty well. I am finding what I have planned on the weekends tends to change because we don't usually know what we are doing until Thursday or Friday. I will continue to plan for these days, but they will most likely change. When I do my grocery shopping I usually buy for Mon-Fri and buy for Sat and Sun during the weekend. This works well for us because if our plans change I don't have food spoiling in the fridge. 

This week I am trying some new recipes. We are attempting to eat a bit healthier. I will link the new recipes I am using. Now on the this weeks plan.

Meal Plan 10.24 - 10.30

Dinner: Orzo Primavera (This is not a new recipe for me, but I make of version of the one linked.)

Dinner: Salad with Grilled Chicken and Balsamic Dressing

Dinner: C has a dinner for work so I am on my own. I will probably just end up grabbing Subway or something quick.


Dinner: Pizza

Dinner: Out


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Minute Tuesday

I know I am not so good about posting anything new (except my meal plans). Part of it is, I have many ideas, I just don't always know how to put them down into a post and feel good about what I wrote. I was doing a bit of research on how to open up as a writer and I found a blog called "The One-Minute Writer". I thought this was an interesting concept. A prompt is posted everyday and you write for one minute on the topic given.

I think I want to give this a try but instead of one minute I will do it for two minutes. I'm not sure I will use the prompts given there but I have looked up other prompts and hopefully come up with my own along the way. These topics will vary from memories to opinions and maybe even a creative story here and there. I am going to try to make this a weekly occurrence to get my writing.

Prompt: Childhood Memory - Everyone has early memories of their childhood, recall the earliest or most vivid memory. 

I was about 4 years old. My family was in San Francisco and we were near the Golden Gate Bridge. My parents bought me a pink sweatshirt with a picture of the bridge on it. I remember driving across the bridge and eating at a Chinese food restaurant. The sweatshirt was light pink with a zipper that went about 1/2 way down. I cannot remember anything else from this trip, but what I can remember is pretty vivid for a 4 year old.

Wow, that is hard. I thought I would be able to write so much more in two minutes. The time goes by in a flash. The only edits I made was spelling errors.

If you try this please leave me a comment with what you wrote in two minutes.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

 Happy Monday everyone. I definitely have a case of the Mondays today. C was not feeling well this weekend and I think I might be getting what he has. I just don't feel great today.

Ok, enough of the pity party and onto meal planning. Last week's meals got shifted around a little but we stuck with most of the things. I am in a bit of a planning rut this week so I asked C what he wanted. Don't judge the plan this week, it was almost all his idea. You will notice there is a lot of beef on this menu, which I wouldn't normally plan.

Meal Plan 10.17 - 10.23

Dinner: Chinese Chicken Salad Kit (from Costco)

Dinner: Creamy Herb Pasta w/ Ground Beef

Dinner: Steak Chili

Dinner: Hot Dogs w/ Garlic Fries

Dinner: Homemade Pizza

Dinner: Out

Dinner: Chicken Enchiladas

Let me know what you are having this week for dinners and maybe I will incorporate it into my meal plan next week.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

I think I am finally back on track with meal planning. Last week we had some great meals. We made an awesome pizza last week inspired by one we had at Pizzeria Delfina in San Francisco. It was a sauceless pizza with mozzarella, ground black pepper, garlic, green onions, and speck (a type of Italian prosciutto). I also tried a new pizza dough to make it and it came out amazing.

This week's meal plan is a little uninspired, but I am trying to use up some things we have on hand. Without further ado, here is our plan this week.

Meal Plan 10.10 - 10.16

Dinner: Ribs and Mashed Potatoes

Dinner: Sloppy Joes

Dinner: Chicken Pot Pie Pasta

Dinner: Potstickers

Dinner: Pizza (No toppings planned yet.)

Dinner: Out

Dinner: Crockpot Pot Roast

On an unrelated note, I finally received our wedding pictures on CD from our photographer. I will hopefully post some of those this week.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I Am Loving Wednesday! 10.5.11

I am linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for her 'What I'm Loving Wednesday'. I linked up with Jamie a while back and thought maybe I should get back into it. So here is what I am loving right now.

I am loving the fact that our weather is cooling down a bit. I am not a big fan of hot weather. With this, I am loving that I can start wearing my warmer clothes (sweaters, boots, etc).

I am loving pulling out my "fall/winter" recipes. I have made chili twice in the past couple of weeks and plan on making some other fall/winter favorites.

I am loving that I am going to be getting a CD of my wedding pictures so I can start using them for gifts and some art projects.

I am loving watching YouTube videos (makeup inspirations, comedy, musicians, etc). 

I am loving that I signed up for Birchbox. I can't wait to get my first one in November.

And of course, I am loving my wonderful husband, family and friends.